Court Services

Failure to Pay Rent

Part A:
A Notice of Intent is the new first step in taking your tenant to court for failure to pay rent. A tenant must be served with this notice first. The landlord must wait 10 days from the DATE OF RECEIPT by the tenant before they may file a failure to pay rent notice. The failure to pay rent notice must match or be less than the total on the Notice of Intent

Part B:
A failure to pay rent notice (FTP) is now the second step in getting your tenant to either pay their back rent or getting them to return the property to you. To file a failure to pay rent notice, we need your tenant(s) name, tenant(s) address, how much and for what months your tenant(s) owe rent, if your tenant is in the military, registration number (if applicable), and lead certificate (if applicable).

Filing Schedule

Baltimore City- Rolling submissions. We file multiples times a week
Baltimore City HCVP/Section 8- 12pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month

Baltimore County 12pm on the 2nd Monday of every month


$89.95 includes:
1- Service of Notice of Intent on Wednesday (must be in by 12pm on Tuesday of the same week).
2- All associated court costs
3- Filing of the failure to pay rent notice (as soon as the 10 days have passed)
4- First representation in court 

Warrant of Restitution

The warrant of restitution (a.k.a. Putout) is the second step in the repossession process. The warrant provides notification to the sheriff/constable your tenant has not paid you the rent due and you want to proceed with the eviction process. If your tenant pays you the rent due, the eviction is canceled. If your tenant fails to pay you the rent due, the eviction will proceed and you can reclaim your property.


Price Per Warrant= $65 (this already includes court costs)

*Landlords filing 5+ warrants per month may qualify for special pricing* 

Eviction Posting/Mailing

After filing a warrant and scheduling your eviction with the sheriff, a landlord is required to provide notice of the eviction date to tenant(s) via mail and posting on the door. With this service we will properly do your mailing and posting on the tenant(s) door. We will also provide you with a copy of the notice, all necessary receipts, and a digital picture of the posting. 

Some landlords like to have postings done in Baltimore County as well, but it is not required to be completed.


$75 per posting

Rent Escrow

Landlords schedules are sometimes full and they are unable to attend rent escrow court. We will hear your cases in rent escrow court on a case-by-case basic 


Varies Per Case

Contact Us

Office Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm, M-F
Office Number: 410-878-2939
Mailing Address: 1539 Merritt Blvd, PMB #163, Dundalk, Md 21222